
Login |

Enter the email address you used when you registered for your …

You can access using a web browser on almost any device that has internet access. This includes desktop computers, tablets and mobile devices. If you’re having trouble logging in to your account, try out the suggestions below. If you forgot your password, use the Forgot Password?


Order Whole Genome Sequencing Kits | At-Home DNA Tests

Order whole genome sequencing and DNA test kits or upload DNA data to get free reports. World’s largest DNA App Store for Ancestry + Health.

Now available: Clinical-grade Whole Genome Sequencing kits without a prescription. Order online, we ship worldwide. Includes comprehensive analysis & reports.

Sign up – Sequencing

Sign up

Please create a strong password to help keep your account secure.

Sign up with Sequencing

Login history |

The Login History tab of your Settings page provides you with a detailed …

The Login History tab of your Settings page provides you with a detailed list of every login that has been made to your account. The information on this page is automatically updated each time your username or email address are used to sign into your account.

Sign in options |

Single Sign-In allows you to register and sign into your account …

The Sign In Options tab allows you to configure Two Factor Authentication and Single Sign-In. Two Factor Authentication provides your account with an extra layer of security. Single Sign-In allows you to register and sign into your account using your Google, Twitter or GitHub account.

Home |

Your Home screen provides is a centralized page that allows you to easy …

Your Home screen provides is a centralized page that allows you to easy navigate throughout all of Home is the starting point each time you log in. You can also return to your Home screen at any time by logging into your account and then: clicking on (the Sequencing.

Reports – Sequencing

The World’s Largest Collection of Enhanced Reports. Transform your DNA data …

Account Status |

Active Account has been registered and email address has been verified.

Active Account has been registered and email address has been verified. ​​Disabled To protect your account security, access to your account may be disabled if potentially malicious behavior is detected. For example, if numerous incorrect login attempts to your account are made in a row then your account may be disabled.

Connect to Guide | Affiliate Program

Import genetic data from your app or site directly into accounts at …

Import genetic data from your app or site directly into accounts at Connect to is part of our Affiliate Program.

About – Sequencing

About seeks to enable all humankind to outsmart their genes.

About Out Team

Keywords: login, sequencing login